Our Projects

Here are monthly ways you can practice kindness!

Each project supports a local cause. Our projects are two-tiered to ensure they are interesting and flexible. You can choose to collect needed items or do the craft portion of the project (or both). You can participate in as many months as suits your time and interests.

Here’s to Mama!

May 2024

Here’s to Mama!

You can help teenage mothers with the items needed to care for baby, such as diapers, formula, new clothes, pablum, and board books.

Summer Acts of Kindness!

June 2024

Summer Acts of Kindness!

Over the summer months, you can donate refillable water bottles, suntan lotion, caps, bandanas and lip balm.

Back to School!

September 2024

Back to School!

You can help students prepare for a successful school year. Donate new or gently used backpacks, pencils, notebooks, lined paper packages, crayons, and pencil crayons. We also accept new or gently used running shoes to make sure everyone can participate in gym class.

Boo-Boo Kits!

October 2024

Boo-Boo Kits!

You can help provide first aid. Donate bandages, wet wipes, tissues, hand lotion, lip balm or cough drops. We create individual first-aid kits with the bulk donations we receive.

Happy Feet!

November 2024

Happy Feet!

Did you know that socks are the most needed item during the colder months? You can help by donating a pair of warm socks to keep toes tapping. We accept all sizes, men, women, and children.

Be Santa!

December 2024

Be Santa!

Help bring the magic of the season to those who are struggling. We need gift cards (small denominations of $5 or $10) OR you can purchase a Holiday Gift Kit! These kits are given out to children living in shelters and include a small toy or craft, a pair of mittens, and a candy cane. If you would like to send a child a Holiday Gift Kit, please e-transfer $20 (per kit) to hip@shaw.ca and we will send you confirmation that your kit will be delivered.

Winter Wear!

January 2025

Winter Wear!

You can help those experiencing homelessness keep warm. This is a great act of kindness for those who love to sew or knit. We need mittens, hats, scarves. You can also donate new socks, new or gently used winterwear (coats, boots, and vests), and handwarmers.

Art is Love!

February 2025

Art is Love!

Art supplies are needed to empower children and youth to express themselves through creative play which supports good mental health. You can help by donating crayons, paints, paint brushes, canvases, journals, pipe cleaners, and coloring books (for all ages).

This project hasn't happened yet, but we'll post photos when we have them!

March 2025

Furever Yours!

We never forget the furry family members. You can help bring joy to our four-legged friends by donating small cans of pet food, brushes, toys, leashes, and treats.

This project hasn't happened yet, but we'll post photos when we have them!

April 2025

Skip into Spring!

The forecast for warmer days encourages us to be more active, to get outside and play. You can help childhood playtime by donating skipping ropes, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, playdough, small bouncy balls, and pinwheels.

This project hasn't happened yet, but we'll post photos when we have them!

May 2025

Take a Break!

Positive mental health is the hope behind our zaneography program. This month we encourage you to practice self-care and share it with others. Our social media campaign asks you to snap a photo of something or someone who makes you feel good. Or post a note about what self-care means to you. Post it on IG, using the hashtag zaneography. We are compiling these pictures and notes to share with youth as tools to support their own mental health.

This project hasn't happened yet, but we'll post photos when we have them!

June 2025

Summer Acts of Kindness!

Want to be hip over the summer? Volunteer (we can help find you a role you will enjoy). Give to support the impact hip has in our community. Donate dental hygiene items to us (we need lip balm, small toothpastes, toothbrushes, dental floss, individually wrapped lifesavers).

A stack of donated baby care products

October 2019

Provide for the wee ones

October begins our h!p season and we would like to start off where we began…supporting the needs of young children in our City. You can donate diapers, formula, baby bottles or gently used clothing. We are accepting items suitable for newborn to 2 years of age. You can also sew (or knit) nightgowns, blankets or booties for infants.

We will be collecting items for this project throughout the month of October.

HIP volunteers posing with wrapped presents

November 2019

Bring the bare necessities

Awareness about men’s health is promoted during the month of November. We want to help by collecting new underwear and socks. These items are always in need and important to have for maintaining good health. You can donate a pair of underwear or socks for a man or boy or stuff a pair of socks with razors and travel size shaving cream. Also, you can sew or purchase small cloth bags to carry the items.

Donated gift cards wrapped in creative ways

December 2019

Wrap a gift card

December is the month of giving. We want to share with families the magic of the holidays by collecting gift cards. A $5 gift card is a great gift! Donated gift cards can be for a coffee, meal, movie or grocery store. You can tuck your gift card into a pair of mittens or socks or you can make holiday greeting cards or gift tags.

Don’t forget the pets! Gift cards are accepted for Rover or Fluffy.

Donated books in the HIP van

February 2020

Share the joy of reading

On January 27th we celebrate Literacy Day. We want to share this joy of reading with those who have few or no books of their own. You can donate a new or very gently used book for a teenager or child or make bookmarks or a book name plate that can be placed in the books to identify the new owner!

We will be collecting items for this project throughout the month of January.

A note from a Humanity in Practice volunteer with some dog treats

February 2020

Give a dog a bone

During the month of February, the importance of spaying and neutering our pets is promoted. We want to help by collecting dog and cat treats. These items will be a pleasant treat to enjoy while they recuperate. You can donate a treat or toy for a dog or cat or bake some little treats. You can also make a postcard explaining why it is important to spay or neuter pets.

We will be collecting items for this project throughout the month of February.

Carrots and a peeler, used to provide healthy snacks

March 2020

Supply a healthy snack

March highlights the importance of nutrition. We want to bring healthy snacks to the children of the agencies we serve. Donations of granola bars (nut free), pumpkin or sunflower seeds, crackers or oatmeal packets and/or veggie peelers that we share with children learning to peel vegetables for a healthy snack! We would also welcome a printed recipe card of your favorite healthy snack.

We will be collecting items for this project throughout March.

Humanity in Practice assembled kits of oral hygience supplies to support Oral Hygiene month

April 2020

Brighten a smile

April is Oral Hygiene month and it is a great time to help bring healthy smiles to the families of the agencies we help. What products do you use to keep a healthy smile? You can donate toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, toothbrush holder or lip balm or you can write out tips on how to keep your teeth healthy.

Don’t forget about your pet’s oral health! We will deliver any donated dental chews to one of the animal shelters we support.

Humanity in Pratice volunteers supplied art kits to support the use of art as a way to communicate and to heal

May 2020

Unleash the power of art

May is the month that brings awareness to mental health. Some of our agencies use art as a way to communicate and heal. Art is one way to support mental health. We are collecting art supplies to provide for these programs. You can donate glitter, markers, Crayola washable paint, brushes, art paper or small wooden frames. You could also make a booklet or journal for children to color or draw in by stapling colored paper together and drawing a cover for it. Also, adult coloring books can be donated because all ages need to practice good mental health.

We will be collecting items for this project throughout the month of May.

A huge pile of toques knitted by Humanity in Practice volunteers

October 2020

Knit a toque

Do you like to knit? Use your talent and passion to knit to help youth living on our streets. This month we are collecting knitted toques, scarves & mittens to be given to youth ages 12 to 24. Help youth keep warm by sending them a head hug! Or, sew or buy a toque, scarf, mittens or hand warmers. Your act of kindness through the donation of a knitted or sewn toque would do just that!

Thank you cards written to members of the Canadian Armed Forces by HIP volunteers.

November 2020

Let's give thanks

This month we give thanks to the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces. Make a card or write a letter of thanks for their service and bravery. You can also include a gift card such as a $5 Tim’s card as a small token of appreciation.

Supplies for new parents that were donated to Emma's House

December 2020

Bring tidings of joy

This month we want to help the smallest members of the family. Donate a gift such as baby rattles, teething rings, socks, diapers or formula. Make a receiving blanket or knit baby booties.

Packages of fun things like Jell-O molds, hockey sticks, a hot chocolate kits to boost your spirits

February 2021

Make winter fun

We know January can be a hard month for some, with the holidays over and long cold wintery days ahead. We want to share fun things to do to outside as a family. Give plastic squeeze bottles or Jell-o molds and food coloring for snow art, snowman materials like buttons and a carrot to decorate him, hot chocolate packets or S’more supplies, bird seed bells or Crazy Carpet sleds. You can also write out your favorite winter things to do as a family. Your ideas will be shared with the families we serve!

Donations of dog collars, leashes, poop bags, and toys from HIP volunteers.

February 2021

Walk the dog

This month we want to help our four-legged friends stay healthy. Walking is good for all of us; it supports mental and physical health. Dogs are no different! Donate collars, leashes, poop bags or toys. Make fashion bows to attach to their collars or pouches to carry the poo bags.

Donations of fun springtime activities like bubbles, cookie cutters, egg decorating kits, and candies.

March 2021

Step into spring

Spring will soon be here and so will the Easter Bunny! We want to share fun things for you to do in the spring. Donate cookie cutters (think fun spring shapes), egg decorating kits, nut-free candy, bubbles, sidewalk chalk or spring themed stickers. You can also make a greeting card wishing a Happy Easter.

Common items donated by HIP volunteers to support young teenage mothers.

April 2021

Mother's Day self care kit

Life changes a lot when you are a new mother. Help young teenage mothers by making self care kits for Mother’s Day by donating items that help mom with her busy schedule. Donate small hand lotion, wipes, grab and go snacks, gum, peppermints, travel mug, hair accessories (combs, elastic, dry shampoo), facial wipes, lip balm, emery boards, crew socks or create a card wishing her a happy day and reminding her how important her role as mother is for all of us!

An assortment of gardening equipment (gloves, pruners, seeds, etc.) donated by HIP volunteers

May 2021

Plant kindness

The power of kindness causes a ripple effect and makes everyone feel better. We want to plant seeds of kindness. Donate seed packets, small pots (you can decorate them too if you like), garden markers, gloves or small gardening tools. You can make a post card or a garden stake (out of a tongue depressor) and print on it a positive message! We will share these pots of love with the families we support to plant and watch your kindness grow!

A HIP volunteer holding two bags of goodies and Halloween costumes to be delivered to children in need

October 2021

Ghouls and goodies

This month we are collecting Halloween treats and costumes to give to the children we support. New or gently used costumes, small props, nut free candy are all accepted. Costumes should fit infants to children 10 years of age. You can also make treat bags by decorating a pillowcase or sewing two pieces of material together.

HIP volunteers delivering pencil crayons, stickers, paints, and other art supplies to youths.

November 2021

Be creative

November is about the power of creative expression. Art helps us appreciate other perspectives and offers a social and emotional outlet. You can help provide the youth we serve by donating art supplies like pencil crayons, stickers, paints, brushes, canvas, or scratch pads. Decorate a journal cover to add to your giving.

Delivering to McMan

December 2021

Pass the bread

This month we are helping bring Christmas to families in need by collecting non-perishable food items with a holiday theme. Share a favorite holiday dish— canned fruit, vegetables, gravy, rice, dressing, cider, hot chocolate. Can’t decide? Donate a gift card empowering the family to shop on their own. “Wrap” the gift card in a stocking made from paper or cloth!

Delivering to the Kerby Centre

January 2022

Be My Valentine

Bring Valentine's love to seniors. We are collecting cards and nut-free treats. Make a card and write a joke or quote in it about Valentine’s Day. Donate bulk treats or make little candy bags that we will deliver to seniors.

Valentine's cards made by HIP volunteers that have words of kindness and inspiration on them.

February 2022

Inspire kindness

This month we are going to pass kindness on with a mosaic heart of kindness. Using cardstock, cut out a heart shape or buy a heart-shaped piece of wood at the dollar store. Take a permanent marker and write a word or a quote of inspiration, and then color the heart in a variety of colors and shapes to give it a mosaic look.

A collection of items gathered by HIP volunteers that help keep children safe - night reflectors, whistles, solar garden stakes (to light up their front porch), reflective vests, stickers, shoelaces, etc.

March 2022

Stay safe

March is about safety. We are collecting items that help children stay safe. Think of night reflectors, whistles, solar garden stakes (to light up their front porch), reflective vests, stickers, shoelaces…you could include a postcard of tips on how to stay safe!

Donations of pet supplies, toys, and other items from Humanity in Practice volunteers

April 2022

Warm up a pet

Over the summer months we are collecting items for our new senior birthday kit! You can donate large print activity books, playing cards, hand lotion, hand sanitizer, Kleenex. Or make a card to wish a happy birthday!

Donations of hot weather supplies for children: sunglasses, suntan lotion, hats, bug spray, water bottles

May 2022

Ready, set, summer!

We are preparing for the upcoming summer holidays, giving the children we support items to keep them cool & comfortable in the hot days. Donate sunglasses, suntan lotion, hats, bug spray, water bottles or nut free granola bars. Get creative and ‘bling’ a ball cap with inspirational words or rhinestones.

We help students

September 2022

We help students

You can help too by donating school supplies, backpacks and running shoes (new or gently used). You can also make bookmarks that we share with the free books we give out!

We help seniors

October 2022

We help seniors

We collect items for senior birthday kits: lip balm, Kleenex, hand lotion, playing cards, large print activity books (travel size). Or you can make some birthday cards!

We help children in shelters enjoy the holidays

November 2022

We help children in shelters enjoy the holidays

We collect nut-free candy to make treat bags. The holidays we need candy for are Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter!

We help those needing help over the holidays

December 2022

We help those needing help over the holidays

We collect Gift cards. They empower people to buy grocery items that match their dietary needs. A $5 card can buy a hot drink and a bite to eat—it’s a great act of kindness!

Donate gift cards or holiday candy. Provide a stocking or make one out of cloth or paper for the gift cards.

We help those living on the streets

January 2023

We help those living on the streets

We collect blankets, socks, hot chocolate packs, hand warmers, all sizes of hats, mitts & scarves. If you are a knitter, your pastime can warm someone today!

We help moms and their babies

February 2023

We help moms and their babies

We collect diapers, formula, baby blankets, new baby clothes (0-2) and board books. You can also print your favorite nursery rhyme & color it.

We help animals in shelters

March 2023

We help animals in shelters

We collect treats, blankets, collars & leashes. Bought or home made!

We help families

April 2023

We help families

We collect personal hygiene items; shampoo, toothbrushes, dental floss, toothpaste, nail files, hair accessories to make kits to help care for teeth, nails, and bodies! You can also make cards with a joke to make someone smile!

We collect art and photography supplies for community programs

May 2023

We collect art and photography supplies for community programs

Journalling, expression through art and mindful photography are tools we use to help support good mental health!

Pictured here is a volunteer setting off on her first mindful photography walk! We titled this “Grounded”.

We help those with dementia and Alzheimer’s

June 2023

We help those with dementia and Alzheimer’s

We collect sensory squares to make fidget quilts for those with memory loss. Choose any fabric & cut it into an 8” square. Sew on ribbons, strings, buttons, snaps or draw on with puffy fabric paint.

Soups On!

September 2023

Soups On!

We help address hunger by providing healthy snacks & soup packets that are easy to carry & make for lunch! You can help by donating packets of single serving soup, pasta, or nut-free granola bars.

Personal Care Kits!

October 2023

Personal Care Kits!

We help families by giving personal hygiene items, nail polish, nail files, small bottles of lotion, female hygiene products. Our kits help care for teeth, nails, and body!

Warm up Winter!

November 2023

Warm up Winter!

You can help keep our street connected citizens warm by knitting or giving hats, mitts, socks, hand warmers, and hot chocolate packs.

Give the gift of choice!

December 2023

Give the gift of choice!

Donate gift cards which can empower people to buy grocery items that match their dietary needs. A $5 card provides a hot drink and a bite to eat. Buy or make stockings or gift bags for your gift cards.

Show you Care!

January 2024

Show you Care!

You can help support physical & mental health by collecting first-aid items and comfort items such as nut-free snacks, colouring books, journals, and markers.

Read On!

February 2024

Read On!

You can help change the world by giving the power of reading to a child. We are collecting new and gently used books for ages 0-12.

Be the Bunny!

March 2024

Be the Bunny!

You can help bring a ‘hoppy’ Easter to kids in shelters by donating nut-free candy, silly putty or play dough.

Give a Paw Up For our Furry Friends!

April 2024

Give a Paw Up For our Furry Friends!

You can help animals in shelters with treats, food, toys, towels, and blankets.

Ways to give


82% of volunteers are looking for a less formal way to volunteer. They want to make a difference from where they are and when they can. We look at volunteering from this angle. We create simple and meaningful ways that you can make a difference, on your time.

Send us a note

Ways to give


We practice humanity in Calgary. Through our programs, our volunteers have donated over 70,000 items of need. We’ve created innovative ways for community engagement and brought smiles to thousands of people. Your donation is how we can do what we do.
