HIP is about helping others
We call it micro-volunteering: small, purposeful acts that make a big impact.
Our volunteer opportunities remove the barriers of why volunteering may not work. We create ways you can help others that are aligned with your personal interests, availability, and circumstances.

We’re a growing community
h!p is a growing community of people of all ages and all capabilities who want to help without committing to a long term or frequent volunteer position. We work with local agencies, listening to what they need and creating an opportunity or project that will help them with that need.
Did you know?
If children volunteer at a young age, they are twice as likely to volunteer as adults.

H!P Team
Janica Fisher, Executive Director
Marnie Worbets, Associate Director
Gwen Boyce, Executive Assistant
Karen Whiteman President
Janice Curtis Treasurer
Dylan Harris Director
Sam Duperre Director
Agencies we've supported
- Alcove
- Alpha House
- Alzheimer Society
- Animal Rescue Foundation
- Aspen Family Services
- Basically Babies
- Brown Bagging Society
- Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth
- Calgary Drop In Centre
- Calgary Food Bank
- Calgary Humane Society
- Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association
- Calgary John Howard Society
- Calgary Reads
- Calgary Seniors Resource Centre
- Calgary Youth Justice
- Calgary Zoo
- Canadian Armed Forces
- Catholic Family Services
- Cerebral Palsy Association of Alberta
- CUPS One World Child Development Centre
- Discovery House
- Dogs with Wings
- Dream Centre
- Econolith Press
- Emma's House
- Elizabeth Fry Society
- Feed the Hungry
- First Christmas in Canada
- Fresh Start
- Further Education Society
- Gear Up for Winter
- Happy Birthday Project
- Harvest Hills Cares
- Highbanks
- Home for Heroes
- Hospice Calgary
- Independent Living Resource Centre of Calgary
- Inglewood Bird Sanctuary
- Inn from the Cold
- Kids for Education
- Kids Up Front
- Lil’ Mutts
- Linkages
- Louise Dean Centre
- Made by Momma
- Making Changes
- McMan Calgary
- Meals on Wheels
- MEOW Foundation
- Mpact Dance
- Mustard Seed
- Neighbourlink
- Parks Foundation Calgary
- Pause4Change
- Propellus Volunteer Centre of Calgary
- Renfrew Educations Services
- Ronald McDonald House Calgary
- Salvation Army
- Servants Anonymous
- Sheldon M. Chumir Health Centre
- Silvera
- SouthWest Communities Resource Centre
- Street Feet
- Street Light
- Tails of Help
- Teen Angels
- The Alex
- The Beverly Centre-Glenmore
- The Children’s Wish Foundation
- The Magic of Christmas
- The Military Museums
- The Trinity Lodge
- Tooth Fairy Children’s Foundation
- Tourism Calgary
- Trellis
- Woods Homes
- Youths Can Fish 2